Logistic Growth Model(LMG) model

R Reservoir engineering

Hubbert used the LGM approach to predict the cumulative production from gas and oil fields or region

Rigoberto Chandomí Vázquez https://www.linkedin.com/in/rigoberto-chandomi-v%C3%A1zquez-79038495/

Hubbert (1956) was the first to employ the concept of LGM (Logistic Growth Model) in the oil industry. Hubbert used the LGM approach to predict the cumulative production from gas and oil fields or regions. Clark et al. (2011) proposed a three-parameter growth model to forecast the production growth from a production well; that is, cumulative oil “NP” or gas “GP.” Clark and co-authors proposed the following expression:

For cumulative oil \("Np"\) or gas \("Gp"\) \[Gp = \frac{(K)t^n}{a+t^n}\] For oil rate \("Qo"\) or gas rate \("Qg"\) \[Q_g = \frac{(K)nat^{n-1}}{(a+t^n)^2}\] The parameters \("a"\) and \("n"\) are regression variables that impact the shape and upwards and downward of the decline curve. The “K” acts as a bounded or maximum growth.

Data and example 18.7 (Ahmed, 2019)

Matching observed production data using LGM method

Load data from .csv file


gas_rate <- read.csv("REH_Ch_18.csv")

fig <- ggplot() + 
       geom_point(data = gas_rate, aes(DAYS,RATE), color = "black") +
       geom_point(data = gas_rate, aes(DAYS,GP/100), color = "black") +
       ylab("Gas rate (MMscf/day)") + xlab("Time (days)") +
       scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~ . * 100, name="Cumulative gas (MMscf)"))  


Assuming the following values for the three LMG parameters:

\[K = 800\] \[N = 1.2\] \[a = 220\]

gas_rate <- gas_rate %>%
            mutate(Qg_cal = (800 * 1.2 * 220 * DAYS^(1.2-1))/(220 + DAYS^1.2)^2,
            Gp_cal = (800 * DAYS^(1.2))/(220 + DAYS^1.2))

fig <- fig + geom_line(data = gas_rate, aes(gas_rate$DAYS,gas_rate$Qg_cal), color = "blue", size = 1.5) +
             geom_line(data = gas_rate, aes(gas_rate$DAYS,gas_rate$Gp_cal/100), color = "blue", size = 1.5)


We can use non-linear regression with minpack.lm package using

dca.LGM <- nlsLM(
  RATE ~ (K.cal*n.cal*a.cal*DAYS^(n.cal-1))/(a.cal+DAYS^n.cal)^2,
  data = gas_rate,
  start = list(
    K.cal = 800,
    a.cal = 220,
    n.cal = 1.2

     K.cal      a.cal      n.cal 
808.044750 239.005696   1.124712 
gas_rate$Qg_reg <- fitted(dca.LGM) 
gas_rate$Gp_reg <- (coefficients(dca.LGM)[1]*gas_rate$DAYS^(coefficients(dca.LGM)[3]))/

fig <- fig + geom_line(data = gas_rate, aes(DAYS,Qg_reg), color = "red", size = 1.5) +
             geom_line(data = gas_rate, aes(DAYS,Gp_reg/100), color = "red", size = 1.5)



For generate a forecast, we can create a days vector and calculate rates using model equation and fit coefficients. Initially, creating a dataframe with forecasting data and then, using merge() function merge both dataframes, in this case, because both have DAYS column the function just add Qg_for and Gp_for columns and fill empty rows with NA values.

K <- coefficients(dca.LGM)[1]
a <- coefficients(dca.LGM)[2]
n <- coefficients(dca.LGM)[3]

days_forc <- c(481:780)
rate_forc <- (K*n*a*days_forc^(n-1))/(a+days_forc^n)^2
gp_forc <- (K*days_forc^(n))/(a+days_forc^n)

forcast <- data.frame(DAYS = days_forc, Qg_for = rate_forc, Gp_for = gp_forc)

gas_rate_for <- merge(gas_rate, forcast, all = TRUE)

fig <- fig + geom_line(data = forcast, aes(DAYS,Qg_for), color = "red", size = 1.5, linetype = "dashed") +
             geom_line(data = forcast, aes(DAYS,Gp_for/100), color = "red", size = 1.5,linetype = "dashed")



Reference Ahmed, T (2019) Reservoir Engineering Handbook. Fifth edition.


For attribution, please cite this work as

Vázquez (2021, June 7). Chato Solutions: Logistic Growth Model(LMG) model. Retrieved from https://www.chatosolutions.com/posts/2021-06-07-lmg-model/

BibTeX citation

  author = {Vázquez, Rigoberto Chandomí},
  title = {Chato Solutions: Logistic Growth Model(LMG) model},
  url = {https://www.chatosolutions.com/posts/2021-06-07-lmg-model/},
  year = {2021}