Shale content methods

R Petrophysics

Exercise 5.1 Sensitivity on Vsh Calculation Ref. Sanni, M. (2019) Petroleum Engineering. Principles, Calculatios, and Workflows

Rigoberto Chandomí Vázquez

Gamma Ray logs can be used for determining the shale content in a formation using differents relationship between Vsh and GR. Data.

Vsh Calculation Methods (Sanni, 2019).

Method Formula Formulation and comments
Linear (Gamma Ray Index) \[V_{sh} = I_{GR}\] Based in linear relationship between shale volume and GR response
Larionov [1969] for tertiary (unconsolidated) rock \[V_{sh} = 0.083(2^{3.7I{GR}}-1)\] Based on empirical correlation. Linear relationship overestimates \(V_{sh}\) for tertiary (unconsolidated) rocks.
Larionov (1969) for pre-tertiary (older and consolidated) rock \[V_{sh} = 0.33(2^{2I{GR}}-1)\] Based on empirical correlation. Linear relationship overestimates \(V_{sh}\) pre-tertiary (consolidate) rocks
Stieber [1970] \[V_{sh}=\frac{0.5I_{GR}}{1.5-I_{GR}}\] Calibration to Gulf coast log
Clavier et al. [1971] \[V_{sh}=1.7-(3.38-(I_{GR}+0.7)^2)^{1/2}\] Compromise between Larionov Tertiary and old rock model

\(I_{GR}\) is called the gamma ray index and it is defined as: \[I_{GR} = \frac{GR_{Zone}-GR_{Clean}}{GR_{Shale}-GR_{Clean}}\]

First, read the log data and plot the GR log


log_data <- read.csv("Ex_5.1_log.csv")

fig <- ggplot(log_data) + geom_line(aes(MD,GR), color = "green", size = 1.25) +
                   coord_flip() + ylab("GR (GAPI)") + xlab("MD (ft)") +
                   scale_x_continuous(trans = "reverse") +
                   scale_y_continuous(position = "right") + ylim(0, 150)


According GR plot we can define as \(GR_{Shale} = 111.86\) and \(GR_{Clean} = 58.12\)

fig <- fig + geom_hline(yintercept = 58.12, linetype="dotted", 
                color = "blue", size=1.5) + 
            geom_hline(yintercept = 111.86, linetype="dotted", 
                color = "blue", size=1.5)


Now, we can calculate Gamma Ray Index and Shale content (\(V_{sh}\)) using the equations above.

Vsh <- log_data %>%
        mutate(IGR = (GR-58.12)/(111.86-58.12),
               IGR = ifelse(IGR>1, 1, IGR),
               IGR = ifelse(IGR<0, 0, IGR),
               Vsh_Linear = IGR,
               Vsh_LarionovUn = 0.083*(2^(3.7*IGR)-1),
               Vsh_LarionovC = 0.33*(2^(2*IGR)-1),
               Vsh_Stieber = (0.5*IGR)/(1.5-IGR),
               Vsh_Clavier = 1.7-(3.38-(IGR+0.7)^2)^0.5)  %>%
        select(MD, IGR, Vsh_Linear, Vsh_LarionovUn, Vsh_LarionovC, Vsh_Stieber, Vsh_Clavier)

plot_Vsh <- ggplot(Vsh) + geom_line(aes(MD,Vsh_Linear, colour = "Linear"), size = 1.25) +
            geom_line(aes(MD,Vsh_LarionovUn, colour = "Larinov (Tertiary)"), linetype = "dashed", size = 1.25) +
            geom_line(aes(MD,Vsh_LarionovC, colour="Larinov (Pre-Tertiary)"), linetype = "dotted", size = 1.25) +
            geom_line(aes(MD,Vsh_Stieber, colour = "Steiber"), linetype = "longdash", size = 1.25) +
            geom_line(aes(MD,Vsh_Clavier, colour = "Clavier"), linetype = "dotdash", size = 1.25) +
            coord_flip() + ylab("Vsh") +
            scale_x_continuous(trans = "reverse") +
            theme(text = element_text(size=14), legend.position="right") +
            scale_color_manual(name = "Vsh methods", breaks = c("Linear", "Larinov (Tertiary)",
                                                                  "Larinov (Pre-Tertiary)",
                                        values = c("black", "red" , "green4", "blue","brown"))



References Sanni, M. (2019) Petroleum Engineering. Principles, Calculatios, and Workflows


For attribution, please cite this work as

Vázquez (2021, June 5). Chato Solutions: Shale content methods. Retrieved from

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  author = {Vázquez, Rigoberto Chandomí},
  title = {Chato Solutions: Shale content methods},
  url = {},
  year = {2021}